AMC DEALERSHIPS: Count Per Year: 1955=2646; 1956=2893; 1957=1958; 1958=2200; 1959=2473; 1960=2977; 1961=2974; 1962=2980; 1963=3095; 1964=3100; 1965=2968; 1966=2636; 1967=2462; 1968=2347; 1969=2294; 1970=2374; 1971=2256; 1972=2025; 1973=1930. 1977=2350 1980=1532.
AMC's MARKET: Annual
"New Car Registrations" for AMC:
1954=118,553; 1955=136753;
1956=115105; 1957=117330; 1958=186373; 1959=363372; 1960=422273; 1961=370685; 1962=423104;
1963=428346; 1964=379412; 1965=324669; 1966=265712; 1967=237785; 1968=259346; 1969=239937;
1970=254327; 1971=243138.
PROFITS: "Annual" profit or loss, in
1955-$6.96; 1956-$19.55;
1957-$11.83; 1958+26.09; 1959+60.34; 1960+48.24; 1961+23.58; 1962+34.24; 1963+34.24;
1964+26.23; 1965+5.21; 1966-12.65; 1967-75.81; 1968+11.76; 1969+4.93; 1970-56.24;
Have old AMC Dealership photos you wish to share? Email them to me at
Before we continue: Say a prayer for my father, Homer Thomas
Stakes Sr, who passed away October 30th, 2005. My dad worked for AMC dealerships for about
18 years in Corpus Christi, TX. Some of those include Andy Anders Rambler; All American
Motors and Pagan Lewis AMC/Ford. He died a poor man, leaving many rich memories of these
wonderful cars, and the times me, and brother Tommy, spent at dealerships waiting for him
to get off work, selling World's Finest Chocolate bars to salesmen for our Catholic
school, or even going in back to dig thru the big dumpsters to see what neat crap we could
'salvage' that had been thrown away. No...there was no 401K, no retirement, no benefits,
no pension, nothing. But he kept a wonderful sense of humor about it all and reminisced
fondly about the times at "THE MOTORS".
Dad....he was 79 years old when he passed away, with a touch of Alzheimer's and dementia many memories had faded, and time had taken it's toll on this blue collar working man's body. I find solace in the fact that my mother, Sara Marie DeAlcala Stakes, had passed away at 62 years old, on January 30th, 1988. And to break dad out of doldrums (they were married 37 years) I gave him a 1970 Big Bad Blue Javelin I restored. He later would get the 70 Chinese Embassy Rebel, a black 75 Gremlin X 304 and a 79 Spirit AMX to keep him busy.
However, momma's birthday was October 22nd. She would have been 79 years old on 07-22-2005. It seemed that he waited until she caught up in birthdays, and they were both 79, before he died on same day she did, the 30th of the month.
You will find numerous photos of both of them on my site. This particular file is dedicated to my dad, of which many of you AMCers in Texas had crossed paths with thru the years. God bless you dad, give mom a hug for me.
This file is dedicated to you dad, The Last Nash Man, I love and miss you.
#1, dad's new Nash 1953; #2, working at All American Motors, that is big brother
Tommy with r/w/b jacket, me with flag; #3, my 70 Javelin gets 9th engine in 1976; #4, I
give dad a new 70 big bad blue Javelin for 61st birthday; #5, dad shows off his new BBB
Javelin, note Matador & Gremlin in back; #6, dad admires his new 70 Chinese Embassy
Rebel I traded him the BBB 70 Javelin for; #7 my daughter Jenny with dad a few months
before he passed away in 2005.
Below: rare AMC family photo: dad Homer T Stakes, me, mom Sara Stakes & brother Tommy Stakes. Note dealer AMC jackets & windbreakers. Behind us is the 70 AMX Goodyear car ad-car, possibly first 70 AMX built, VIN A0M397X100060. Behind that 68 Javelin, 63 Chevy pickup, 75 Matador.
All American Motors, Water Street, Corpus
Christi, Texas
This AM Dealership was 1 block from bay at I-37. My dad worked here for some years. Lots
of great memories fromthis place & you will see it mentioned a few times on my site.
The showroom had a huge H in middle in marble as once was a Hudson dealer. The rounded
front was all glass. Might not be prudent in hurricane, but with it's proximity to I-37,
caused many a driver to circle back around. This was the ONLY dealer I ever saw a 1970
Trans Am Javelin on show room floor. They also did a promotion with a dozen 69 Hurst
SC/Ramblers, all "A" paint, and put one dozen silver stars on the blue roof and
blue trunk sections, and lined them up on Shoreline for photo op a block away. With only
2294 AM Dealers not all dealers would ever even SEE a Hurst sC/Rambler so quite a feat,
but these cars were destined to head to valley & into Mexican dealers. So the cars
might have been there 2-3 days. The dealer allegedly got in trouble for puttling vinyl
stars on the cars as the cars were NOT supposed to be altered period. That's my 72 AMX
Spcial Order out front. At one time this dealer had beautiful neon around the UFO thing on
top and above the windows in brown area. Coupled with strings of light bulbs over the used
& new cars section was really lit up at night. It was fun digging around in the
dumpster here after Catholic school & the salesmen, mechanics, everyone there would
buy tons of Worlds Finest chocolates from me. This place sadly was torn down in 2005,
about same time my dad died. Wished someone could have removed that big marble
Build Your own mini-AM-dealer
(printable original showroom posters!)
Kenosha Vehicle Order Entry System: Assembly, Production & Planning Book
Extremely rare book few AMCers have ever seen. From ordering your car to Zone, to
Data Center to Broadcast (frame, trim, final assembly) to actual assembly (glass, panels,
seats) to Shipment by rail and car carriers to your Dealership, a fascinating
"behinds the scenes" look at how your AMC was ordered, built and delivered. You
will NOT find this uber rare book for sale anyplace else. If you would like a copy for
your collection and research, I have this in English & French (Canadian). See LITERATURE.
Over 100 pages.
AMC stamping machine in Kenosha Wisconsin, note layers of flat steel. The second photo is a larger stamping machine, or presses, which were added in 1973. In the last photo this is AMCs new stamping plant in South Charleston, WV in 1974.
American Motors Burlington Test Track in Burlington, Wisconsin. This is where AMC cars got a workout, suspension, hill climb, sharp turns, full straight away, really put thru the paces including head on collisions, t bone collisions, PPG Safety Test glass and more. In many AMC Press Photos, the cars were photographed at this track thru the years. Very FEW MAPS of this historic track exist, and I have purposely left this ragged map large for those of you who wish to study a significant piece of AMC history.
American Motors headquarters under constrousion in Southfield, Michigan in 1973, this would be completed by 1976. And appears on a number of AMC dealer brochures.
This is the fate of a AMC prototype. The beautiful AMX/2 ended up shoved on a used car dealership pole in PA. Twin Pines Used cars. Lucky for AMC fans, after decades up there eventually it was brought down and sold, and now in the Fred Phillips AMC collection in Canada along with the AMX 1 Vignale, 71 Matador Machine, the late James Garner Baja Hurst 4x4 SC/Rambler and the Bonanza SS/AMX.
Above is Dallas, Texas AMC Zone Office on Ambassador Row in 2009.
Chicago Zone promotion with 100 Javelins...note while the "official" Pace Car
was Javelin, a 69 AMX was used for this race at Meadowdale!
AMC 72 Hornet "Yellow Jacket" Pittsburgh Zone promotion. None of these Hornets are known to exist.
In 1966, AMC had another 'Yellow Jacket" promotion with new 1967 Ambassadors. This was for the New York & New Jersey Zone. A handful of these Ambassadors still exist, one was for sale on ebay in 2014 for $5500, yet another is on youtube.
Jimmie Vickers, Merritt Island, Florida, STILL shows their proud AMC past with a
brand new AMC Eagle on showroom floor, and tired Select Used Cars sign out front. These
photos courtesy of Jim Osborne and were taken in late April 2012!
Legendary Topel AMC of Kenosha Wisconsin where AMC
ran mule cars out of testing Group 19 Performance parts before releasing them for
production. This is a authentic reflective 3M vinyl decal that Topel used to plaster on
trunk lid or bumper. If you would like one of these limited edition decals for your
classic AMC email me at
Epic Legendary Kenosha Rambler (later Kenosha American) of Kenosha Wisconsin at one time was ranked SEVENTH in the USA for total volumn of sales of new American Motors cars, quite a honor. (Se below TOP 100 VOLUME DEALERS file directly below for ranking). This is a authentic 3M reflective vinyl decal that Kenosha American used to slap on their rear bumpers, trunk lids or tail gates! If you would like one of these limited edition decals for your classic AMC vehicle please email me at
At your friendly American Motors Dealership in 1968-on, you could order AMX Racing Posters: The AMX At Monte Carlo, the AMX At Nurburgring, The AMX At Elkhart Lake. The Monet Carlo was given out free at Auto Sows like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, and was not uncommon to go thru 20,000 of the Montes at a event. However to get the other two you had to step in the dealership to order, or send in for them to Detroit. This is original ad.
The red, white & blue AMC Racing Team jackets have been
reproduced and hover in the $65.00 range, while I do not stock them, call me at
713-464-8825 and I'll pass on the toll free ordering number. The model the fellow is
holding you will only find on ebay, and original ones in wrap can command $100-$250. The
posters I reproduced decades ago and have sold well, featured in crap load of auto
JANUARY 15 1968
We are your American Motors Board of
In the above uber rare photo, this is American
Motors Board of Directors at a 1969 meeting. Clockwise: Gerard C. Meyers, VP Product
Development Group; Stuart M. Reed, VP Manufacturing; Marvin W. Stucky VP Purchasing; Alan
H. Foster, VP and Treasurer; Elmer W. Bernitt, VP Safety & Quality Assurance; Frank S.
Hedge, VP Public Relations; R. William McNealy Jr, VP Marketing; Iain M. Anderson, VP
& Controller; William V. Luneburg, President & Chief Operating Officer; Roy D.
Chapin Jr, Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer; John C. Seacrest, VP
Corporate Staffs; Cruse W. Moss, VP; Marius A. Van Merkersteijn VP International
Operations; Jack E. Maxwell, VP Corporate Development; John F. Adamson, VP Engineering
& Research; Walter J. Williams, Corporate Secretary & House Counsel; Frank G.
Armstrong, VP Administration; Richard A. Teague, VP Styling. Not shown: William S.
Pickett, VP Dealer & Distributor Relations.
Dealers were awarded various prizes for sales. These AMC Sales Awards were presented at the Dealers Conventions, such as the AMC Dealers Mystery Trip to American Airlines (LAX) hangar in 1969. This is a ruby & gold award which would have been for one of the top dealers in nation in 1968.
Your NEW American Motors Gremlin on
Kenosha Assembly East Line to Geneva Auto Show,
Pacer debut in Sweden
Your new 1970 AMXs & Hornets on East Assembly Line in Kenosha in 1969
Let's dyno a new AMC AMX 390V8, this is in Kenosha at their engine testing facilities in 1968
This is a set of authtic AMC coveralls, not only did workers in Kenosha use them but many workers at AMC Dealerships also used them, especially in the repair areas like brakes, transmissions, engine bays. Most of my wardrobe is aMC stuff, this is great for important events like weddings, church, parole hearings.
This lady is handling the Zone Orders for cars in Kenosha on their modern computers, AMC emissions testing on Hornet in Detroit facilities & AMC new emissions computers, last photo inside AMC's Intterior Design Studio, note door panel sketches on wall
American Motors Dealers Mystery Trip!
Jim Nabors Comedy Show Sponsored by AMC &
American Motors Dealers 'Ad Planner'
which my dad brought
home 2 AMC Trans Am Racing Games, one for me, one for brother Tommy in 1969. I still have
Actual AMC promotional photo for 1969 Trans Am Javelin Racing games:
prototype campaign
AMC's 1968 HIS & HERS AMX Sweepstakes
Some folks have asked me why I have a dealership list on my website. I have always strongly believed that every AMC & Rambler & Nash dealership has a story to tell. Some were mom and pop selling less than a dozen vehicles per calendar year. Others churned them out and had a waiting list for hot sellers like Hornet, Gremlin and Concord.
But they all had a story!
Chances are your car might have came from one in your area, might have come from one you never heard of. Maybe the original owner opted to pick it up in Milwaukee and drive it home. Regardless, the story of the Nash, Rambler and American Motors dealerships is a forgotten piece of US Automotive History.
In 1969, AMC had 2294 Dealerships in North America. By 1973 they were down to 1930. However, sales rate per dealer had increased 70% from 104 to 178 units sold per year. In 1970, AMC had only ONE Dealership in the US selling more than 1000 cars per year. By 1973, there were more than 30, plus more than 130 Dealerships whose annual sales exceeded 500 cars per year. Dealer profitability before taxes in that period had climbed 173%, one reason for a strong demand for a AMC franchise. AMC targeted new, high volume dealerships in 55 major markets by 1975...and a staggering 600 new Jeep dealers had signed on since the acquisition of Jeep in 1970, although the total number was down about 170. However, the average Jeep dealer sales rate had climbed from 19 to 46. By 1974, 700 Dealerships selling the profitable Jeep, by 1975, 900.
Skinner-Stewart Motors Inc, Demopolis, AL, 1927
England Motor Company, Fort Smith, AR, 1939
Schulstad Motor Company, Tampa, FL, 1945
Southern Motors of Savanna, GA, GA, 1934
Melito AMC of New Orleans, LA, 1950
Fletcher Motor Company of Columbus, MS, 1945
Ed Orr Motors Inc of Asheville, NC, 1942
East End Motors Inc of Orangeburg, SC, 1957
Smith-Owens Motor Company of Chattanooga, TN, 1956
Kern Motor Company of Winchester, VA, 1948
Colonial AMC-Jeep, Mobile, AL
Twin City AMC Inc. Little Rock, AR
Fincher Motors Inc. Miami, FL
Bobby Whitens AMC/Jeep Inc. New Orleans, LA
Thad Ryan AMC-Jeep Inc. Jackson, MS
City Motors AMC/Jeep Inc. Greensboro, NC
Tunmore AMC/Jeep Inc. Charleston, SC
Security Motors Inc. Memphis, TN
Mt. Vernon AMC/Jeep Inc. Alexandria, VA
I do not have figures for any other parts of the US.
A letter from Mayor of Kenosha to me about AMC Nationals
A letter from Kenosha County to me about AMC Nationals
AMC Plant, Kenosha, WI, circa 1955
Your NEW Kenosha built 1972 Ambassador, Gremlin, Hornet & Matador on Trailer Train headed out of Kenosha marshalling yard in 1971.
New 1959 Ramblers headed
out of Milwaukee Marshalling Yard to your friendly Rambler Dealership
New 1974 Gremlins, Hornets, Matadors on trailer train headed to happy, new owners, circa November 1973.
James Garner's Air America Race Team, some of the modified Hurst SC/Ramblers on transport to Baja for the grueling race.
New Ambassadors, Rebels & Ramblers in Kenosha side street getting ready to head to Dealership
AMC Pacers being loaded
up on Trailer Train in Kenosha headed to new owners 1975.
This is my request to you as a AMC
owner. If you have photos of AMC dealerships, or promotions, such as this 1969 Badger
Javelin Driveaway for dealers: I would like to use them for my website here. This is a
chance FOR YOU to tell that long ago dealerships story with a simple photo like many
below. You can mail me or e/mail me a jpg of the photo, if mailing, the photo will be
returned. Thank you, Eddie Stakes
(Dick McQuade, rt, manager of Specker Motor Sales, Marquette, Michigan, and Alan F. Mitchell lf, AMC General Sales Manager, stand in front of 80 1969 Badger Javelins that were part of a driveaway promotion marking AMC's 15th anniversary in Milwaukee, all came in white, red interior, 343 or 390, AT, roof "MOD" spoiler, twin fake hood scoops, and reverse red "C" stripe; before the driveaway, about 200 AMC dealers listened to William V. Lundberg, AMC President, at a breakfast meeting. Interesting that those dealers in the UP of Michgan were involved as part of a Wisconsin promotion!)
Badger Javelin Driveaway,
Milwaukee, WI, 1969
Badger Javelin File
Have you ever wondered where your classic AMC might have been sold new at the AMC dealership? AMC had a extensive dealership network in the US, Canada and Mexico. Some of these dealerships STILL exist long after AMC; they are either DaimlierChrysler; some are Mopar; some are Brand X, such as a former AMC/Ford/Jeep/Olds dealership might now be Ford/Hyundai/Jeep/Kia. The list below is from 1982-1983.
FREE AMX: Ben Carco (Los Angeles, California) Giveaway 68 AMX
FREE Rebel: Don-A-Vee (Bellflower, California) Barker's Furniture Giveaway 67 Rebel
73 AMC Auto Show display Chicago
70 AMC Auto Show Display Detroit with Mark Donohue's Trans Am Javelin & new 1970 models, new AMX at Chicago Auto Show with hot models, Bangkok AMC Dealership filming of The Man With The Golden Gun, Herve Villachave
AMC Manufacturing Plants Worldwide & Common AMC Myths
AMC Rebel for delivery in Japan 1967
One dealership that is very special to me is one I bought out in Houston. There have been 7 dealerships I have bought out, whether inventories or archives thru the years. Vance & Sons AMC had been around in Houston since 1925 on Bellaire Boulevard in Bellaire, Texas, which is a city inside of Houston. In the 70s it was known as Vance & Sons AMC/Jeep/Renault and in the 1980s changed to Western AMC/Jeep before closing down like many dealerships did after the takeover by Chrysler. I bought most of their stuff in a auction. But the place it still there, the lot subdivided into a Taco Bell, Stereo hi-fi store, and a Pollo Campenero which is some really good chicken out of Central America! These photos are from 1966 and like many dealership photos, take you back into time. Here is the (left to right) Vance & Sons coat of arms; their sign with phone; alignments bay; Ambassador in makeready; packed back lot; a front shot from across Bellaire; greasemonkeys; inspection area; showroom with stunning huge mural; tun up area and original sign & logo.
Larger photos of Vances & Sons, Bellaire (Houston Metro) Texas)
Vance & Sons celebrates 51st year in business in Houston (Bellaire)
AMC Dealership Items:
AM 1968 Leasing Lighted Sign; AMC 1969 Power Guard Battery Shelf from Parts
Department; AMC Touch Up Paint Setup; Dixco Company Gauges from Parts Department; AMC
Dealership 1970-up Flag; AMX Lighted Sign from 1968 this known as the Cobo Hall Sign
After the
Chrysler hostile takeover of AMC to get Jeep, Kenosha got screwed. Promised by Mopar to
keep Kenosha plants running, as soon as ink dry Chrysler rescinded and decided to change
mind, not only closing plants, but laying off a staggering amount of people in process in
Kenosha got cheated, not they got outright screwed. At one time, AMC employed 34,000
people in and around Kenosha. This mass firing by Chrysler of 4500 people caused a
upheaval with lost homes and a rash of suicides.
The above historic photos are what happened in Kenosha after Chrysler lied to AMC. It was not a pleasant marriage, it was A HOSTILE TAKEOVER no matter how anyone spins it. Chrysler promised to keep several Kenosha plants open for 5-6 years, but after a few weeks, recinded and said they would close them, forcing then Govenor Tommy Thompson to sue Chrysler. The last photo shown is a pile of shit letter about a "Merger Of Equals" Chrysler put out, a 'feel good' letter. There was another to stockholders. Lying pile of shit Lee Iococca lied to press, empolyees, the state of Wisconsin, anyone and the result was AMC was gone instant, parts inventories bulldozed, massive layoffs, and a rash of suicides from former/then AMC employees which later was called The Kenosha Syndrome. Since then, Chrysler has been passed around like my ex wife in winning football teams locker room, bought by DamlierBenz, then Cerebrus Group and now wholly owned by Fiat. A lot of people like me, still fume over this. Note date on letter. A total of 2306 Eagle wagons were shoved out the door to empty the parts bins. This is...the LAST AMC built.
Before you picked up your new American Motors car, it would go thru rigid inspection process to make sure everything worked as it should. Modern dealers still use this process. AMC's "Dealer Pre Delivery" Service & Procedure & Record didn't change much from 1960s, & elsewhere on my site I have one from 1969. This Inspection Dealership Sheet is from 1977 for a new 1978 AMC & was serviced by Steve Gray. The dealership is unknown. There is a big key here as AMC had some horrible quality control issues from 76-78.
American Motors famous 'skyway bridge' between factories in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
AMC President promised AMC Dealers "A New Car Every Six Months" but basically it was just rebadged Series, like Ambassador 'base' "DPL" & "SST" which sort of counted as 'three models' worth reading!
P. K. Williams, Austin,
TX. 1949
My suggestion to
you if there are some former AMC/Jeep/Renault dealerships listed in the list below in your
area is to contact the parts manager to see what, if any, NOS AMC parts might still be
available at their business. You would be surprised at how much items are still in the
Mopar pipeline, and many of them have been rebagged, and will now start with a
"J" part number, such as a NOS mirror gasket would have appeared in AMC
computers and books such as this: 3591097 but should that item still exist in Mopar
computers and books, it would now be listed as: J3591097. Here is a extensive list of AMC
dealerships in the US and it's territories, Canada, and Mexico.
Amesbury, Iowa
Superior AMC, Huntsville, Alabama
J J Motors Dealer Sponsored Rebel Machine Dragcar 1970 "THE INVADER"
Town & Country Rambler, Fullerton, California
Modern AMC Dealership Showroom in 1971 with AMX & Hornet Sportabout
Stratford Rambler Super Stock Javelin "The Chucker"
Stewart Motor Company 420 North Beaton
Corsicana, Texas
Western Motors, Lewistown, Montana, Super Stock 69 Hurst AMX
Donato's Rambler, Logansport, IN with new 69 Javelin on showroom floor
build traffic at the dealership AMC came up with a LOT of neat things, promotions,
giveaways, and everyone who has ever seen one of AMC's Sales Promotion videos knows AMC
had to try harder than the big 3 to get showroom traffic. This was one in 1970s (about
1975) a RUPP gasoline powered go cart Gremlin. There was also a Pacer go cart. The
Gremlins came in several colors this one J7 Jade Green. If you go to any big AMC
Nationals, chances are several people are zipping around in there. Not kids, big ass
people like me. Besides getting one of these thru the dealers, eventually one could order
from a variety of magazines too. The last photo is a NOS body.
This is a AMC Dealers flyer; Sent out to prospects you too could get a free television set! The 'What Would You Do?' campaign was for 1971. Read it, it is a facinating snapshot of AMC's marketing techniques and how they targeted potential buyers. Now damned near everything you do from buying groceries, to amazon, to ebay, to sitting in own living room someone is WATCHING. Back then you had to do legwork!
In 1968, AMC Dealers received notice tha new Hurst shifters would be available on new 1969 AMC models. Production for 1969 begain Aug 2nd, 1968, and some early 1969 AMX & Javelin Series got crappy old Ford 67-68 shifters however. I do not know if AMC later replaced these, as you would have to resize hole in floor hump, as the Hurst shifters sit close to driver seat, whereas the earler ones stuck right out top of hump. There is a possibility too that 'export cars' ended up getting stuck with the older shifters also.
Nothing sells cars more faster than a hot blonde under the bleachers with miniskirt ansd JAVELIN sash.
Gas Crisis 1974 in USA. Note car in front of lawnmower. AMC Dealers would 'sweeten the deal' on a new AMC by giving away 1 years worth of gasoline. Problem was finding gas. Speaking of lawnmowers, many people do not realize AMC owned Wheel Horse (Toro) lawnmowers, and other facilities like Data Systems The 1st photo is rare inside factory of Wheel Horse & the huge factory in Fort Wayne, Indiana, note the AMC logoed water tower! Data Systems is shown in this rare photo at end.
And of course a BIG chunk of AMC Sales was legendary AMG or AM General which not only made military equipment but buses for around world
Partial list compiled courtesy of Steven Clark
Special thanks to Alden Jewell for many
photos of Rambler dealerships.
Above is the
"What If AMX" a 74 built to resemble Dick Teague's 70 AMX two seater he
customed to try to influence AMC brass to continue production of a two seater into 1971.
The actual Teague prototype still exists in Wisconsin and professionally restored
including detail items made of plaster in 1970. The below is actual car with me
sitting in it. The 74 What If AMX was done in Florida. The 70 AMX below was done by
Teague in Kenosha. The hood scoop first appeared on a clay mockup in AMC's design studio
of 'new' 1971 Javelin in 1969. See last photo. It never saw production. The photo is
United States
M&S Motors
Douglas Rambler Motors, circa
1960, Louisville, KY
Ray Korte Rambler, Phoenix, AZ
Randall AMC with new XR-401 Gremlin, Mesa, AZ
Fred Fincher American, Miami, FL
Burlington Motors, Rambler/Olds, Burlington, NJ
Dan Hester AMC Motor
West Allis American, West Allis
(Milwaukee) WI (previously Buran Rambler)
James Kaltreider Rambler
Rambler dealership, Fullerton, CA
Milne Brothers,
Pasadena, CA
Ward S Lee Inc. Santa, Ana, CA
Bonanza AMC, Los Angeles, CA
Sorensen Rambler,
Billings, MT
AMC of Daytona, FL
Wolfe Motor Sales, Corydon, IN
Barrow Brothers
Rambler, Oak Park, IL
Clark & Weber AMC,
Waterloo, IL
(photo courtesy of Joe Clark)
Delta AMC-Pontiac-GMC, Stockton, CA
Kern Motor Company,
Princeton, IL
G. K. Hardt
Rambler-British Motorcars, Santa Rosa, CA
Houston, TX Circa 1951
F. W. Williams Motor Company,
Leavenworth, KS
Mierley Motor Company (CIRCA 1972)
Grove Rambler, Garden
Grove, CA
New AMC Pacers at
unknown AMC Dealership December 1974
Ridgewood Rambler, Ridgewood, NJ
Ken Seagler Motors
Roberts Rambler,
Oakland, CA
Hassan Brothers Nash Rambler,
Quincy, MA
Grosse Point AMC,
Grosse Point, Michigan
Twin City AMC, Minneapolis, MN
White Bear AMC,
DiSalvos's American, Afton, MO,
Bill Rodekopf AMC, Kansas City,
Shirley Shahan 2st photo, unknown drivers in 1st, 3rd photos, 4th Super Stock #47
P. K. Williams, Congress St. Austin, TX 1952
P.K. Williams,
Austin, TX at Christmas
Schulstad Rambler,
Tampa, FL
Volunteer Rambler, Knoxville, TN
Burlington AMC/Rambler, Burlington,
Hayes Motor Sales Jaffrey, New Hampshire
Ken Rambler, Paramus, New Jersey
Riverdale Rambler, Riverdale, NJ
P. K. Williams, Congress St. Austin, TX 1949
Bob Dilmore's Key
American, Albuquerque, NM
New York
Ranger Rambler, Floral Park,
Long Island, NY
Richmond Rambler, Staten Island, NY "Super Street Javelin"
Pepper & Potter Nash, Brooklyn, NY
Bilsland AMC, Sheldon, IA
Valiton Motors, Toledo, Ohio, 1969 & 1972
Valiton Motors, Toledo, Ohio,
1968 "home of the flying Rambler"
P. K. Williams, Congress St. Austin, TX 1951
C. A. Cox Rambler, Wollaston, MA
Pavillion Rambler
Rose Rambler AMC Jeep
P. K. Williams, W/New Nash Healey, Austin, TX, 1952
Battan AMC, Chester,
PA (original ad & current building)
Millers AMC, Glenholden, PA, 1973
Walker Brothers AMC & Jeep, Los
Angeles, CA, 1982
Nissley Motor
Cars Rambler, Middletown, PA
Unknown Rambler Dealership
P. K. Williams, Congress St. Austin, TX 1960
Salesman with customer at Rambler
Dealership, unknown location
Bob King American Motors
Southland AMC & Jeep, OH
Royal Rambler Service Crew
Frizell AMC,
Houston, Texas
Westbury AMC Jeep
Dealership showroom September 1978
(with newly arrived 79 models)
Ray Citte AMC,
Roy, UT with new 1974 models
Barton Motors, Staunton, VA.
Rambler "Sock It To Me" ad, Virginia Beach, VA
AMC AutoMall,
J. W. Moody Amc, Waterbury, CT
Town & Country Rambler,
Fullerton, CA
Goben Motors, Madison, Wi.
East Bay Rambler Mark
Donohue special ad
Portage La Prarie, Manitoba,
Unknown AMC Dealership with NEW 68 AMX & Javelin
McDowell Motors with Trans Am Javelins, Toronto, Canada
From Steve Nusbaum: Grand Rambler Limited Toronto, 1380
Eglinton Ave. W., Toronto, Canada. M6C 2E4
Just came across this vinyl LP. My Dad promoted his dealership in 1962 by
establishing his own record label and giving his customers copies. His logo appears in the
top right corner as it did on his dealer sticker and the car on the cover was my
mothers new Classic demo.
Edward Island
Westgrove Rambler, Toronto, Canada
Andy Anders Rambler, Corpus Christi, TX 1972
Mascot Motors, Sydney,
Australia, 1973
Bangkok, Thailand, From the 1974 AMC
Cult Classic
The Man With The Golden Gun
(courtesy Arcticboy)
1974 Hornet 360V8 crashing
thru plate glass
Roger Moore aka James Bond in
front of dealership
Mark Triffler AMC/Jeep/Olds
(courtesy John Mahoney)
Cliff Wheeler, sent me this wonderful photo of his parent's dealership:
Wheeler Motors of Grants Pass OR.
You won't go wrong with Genuine Rambler Parts & Service. The photo is from 1963.
Craig Thompson writes: "Eddie, this is the building that was
George Bowman Motors in Santa
Barbara, CA;
(I grew up in SB). 118 State Street (one block from the beach).
My dad and I bought many AMC cars from him.
I remember when I was in high school coming down to look at a new 70 Machine
in the small showroom area (just inside the large windows facing the street.
I took this photo when visiting Santa Barbara 2 years ago. I visited with
George, now retired, and he still has a Gremlin X, very nice condition.
The fence was not there when he had the building. The car lot was to the
left of the building and the large doors on left side of building were the
service areas.
He had a large "American Motors" lighted sign across the top of the front of
the building with the script logo, then around 70 got a vertical sign as was
used for that period.
This building was supposed to be torn down 2 years ago when I took this
photo. I do not know if it was torn down yet or not.
Bill Clark Majestic Motors
7800 Brewerton Road. PO Box 322
North Syracuse, NY. 13212
"Where The Customer Is King"
Tel. 315-458-0224
US RT 11 North of Bear Rd.
*this is a big bad leaked press release from Scnectaday newspaper of the new big bad
colored cars at Bil Clark's Majestic Motors, was not supposed to be released until month
Ed & Sam's Motors, Chicago, IL
Hoyt Stephens Motors
4907 Covington Hwy.
Decatur, Ga. 30032
Also Rambler; The Economy car with seven main bearings and seats six people with comfort.
Avenue Rambler, San Francisco, CA (ad)
1601 Van Ness
left photo 1970 right photo 2008, note plane in both photos behind Love Field, this
dealership was going to be demolished a few months after I took this photo in July 2008.
Original MOCKINGBIRD dealership emblem in last photo.
Mockingbird Rambler, Dallas, TX
2449 West Mockingbird Lane
Dallas, Texas, 75235
Authorized Sales & Service
Ten Years At The Same Location
Home of the American Motors Buyer Protection Plan
Southside AMC & Jeep
"South Phila. Auto Mall,"
67th & Passyunk (Essington) Ave.
Philadelhpia, PA. 19153
"We have been in business since 1958, which has made us Philadelphia's #1 AMC/JEEP
Dealer. Our services are experienced by thousands of new and used car buyers in the
Delaware Valley area. Our success has been built upon honesty and integrity. Come in and
see us."
Tel: (215) 492-8600
Alfred Rambler, La Grange, IL
"Dear Friend, If you are interested in a
new Rambler, or a used car of any make or model, please come in and see me at Alfred
Rambler, 2737 W. 111 St. or call HI-5-1200. There is a FREE gift waiting for you if
you ask for me."
Compass Rambler
"Let Compass Be Your Guide For Better
Compass Rambler Corp.
1745 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA.
LI-9-9308 KI-5-9541
Dahlgard Rambler
1401 N. Dixie Hwy.
Lake Worth. FL
Ph. 585-7565
East Bay Rambler
16338 E. 14th, St.
San Leandro, CA.
Telephone 351-6400 or 276-4000
Serving The Community Since 1919
"Salesmen strike not recognized by Mechanics Union or Central Labor Council. Don't
delay service on your car or jeopardize your warranty." Dwight Adams: Service
Knoxville Motor Company
413 N. Gay St. 524-8674
Knoxville 17, TN
Rambler American, The Economy Champ--Rambler Classic, our Volume Line--and the world's
largest 6 cylinder wagon--Rambler Ambassador, or finest medium sized car--also servicing
the quality car with economy habits, Mercedes Benz.
Security Rambler
695 Union Avenue, Memphis, TN
Telephone 525-6393
"solve Your Rambler Needs with SECURITY. SECURITY for a new Rambler or a clean used
car. SECURITY for the finest in service and parts. One of the South's oldest and largest
Rambler Dealers. Buy with confidence--with SECURITY in mind.
Andy Anders Rambler
San Antonio, TX
Largest Rambler Dealer In The South
Andy Anders Rambler sells more American Motors Automobiles and provides the finest service
on all makes of cars. Thee giant locations: Downtown-1111 San Pedro; Southside-2335 South
Military Drive; and Universal city at the gates of Randolph Air Force Base.
Barton Rambler Center
Houston, TX
3560 Old Spanish Trail, Houston, Texas
***Eddie: Read your article on
AMC Dealerships and I can give you some information on Barton in Houston. I
purchased my first new AMX for that location but it was not called Barton. AMC Corp.
had taken control on the dealership (on OST near the UofH) by 1968. The dealership
address was 4300 Old Spanish Trail. The dealership was renamed Fiesta Motors
Rambler and the General Manager was from AMC HQ, his name was M.L. Lawson I
purchased my second AMX from Fiesta on April 1, 1970, so they were still in business at
that time. My first AMX was stolen off the dealership repair lot. I
still have the purchase contract from my second AMX and it is signed by Pat Witherway who
was secretary Treasurer of Fiesta. They closed the dealership something after that
date. Attached is the 2nd AMX which was delivered to Fiesta from their
Zone Office in Dallas. It was the Zone managers car (Brass Hat Car). It
is still in my garage
Canal Rambler Inc.
New Orleans, LA
Canal Rambler Inc, 1550 Canal St. New Orleans, La.
New Ramblers and used cars
PDQ Service
Every Body's Rambler Dealer
Mack Massey Rambler Inc.
El Paso, TX
Mack Massey Rambler Inc
6318 Montana
The SouthWest's Volume Rambler Dealer
A.R.A Air Conditioning Distributor
Mack Massey Leasing Company
Parts and Service
El Paso, Texas
Schamberger Rambler
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Schamberger Rambler
717 Third Avenue Southeast
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
"The past 33 years have seen much progress in improving the equipment and facilities
of the Schamberger Motor Company. Every Effort has been and is being made to bring our
customers the finest service obtainable anywhere. Through the efforts of our trained
personnel this organization, for the 33rd consecutive year, has been rated by American
Motors a 10 Point Select Dealer. We are very proud of this honor and you may be certain we
will continue the endeavor to better serve our friends and customers who in the final
analysis have made these achievements possible."
OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT: (1) 20,000 satisfied new and used customers can't be wrong. (2) We
carry a stock of 30 to 60 new cars for your selection. (3) Best of all---Financing at Bank
Siebert Rambler
615 South Avenue
Rochester, NY. 14620
PH# 454-6920
"Rochester's Largest Rambler Dealer"
New 1969 Big Bad Blue 390 4 speed MOD Javelin at Siebert's for
delivery. Note placement of electric wipers washer bag from factory, lack of hood
insulation, and original smog equipment.
Dick Steele's West Valley Rambler,
Reseda, CA
Dick Steele was one of the original AMC Dealerships that raced a Super
Stock AMX. Here are some photos of it in various configurations. The SS/AMX was
"found" in College Station, Texas when a local, Keith Fruedenthat made a wrong
turn, and was sitting on street for months with FOR SALE/FAST & HOT on windshield for
$1200.00 That is one thoussand twelve hundred dollars. This is a early ad, but to read
whole story you have to see the "KEITH
Frazzel AMC
Houston & Galveston, TX emblem
While not a Dealership, many Dealers banded together & sponsored AMCs. This is a ad from Grant Industries AMC Rebel SST Funny Car, in 1967 as AMC was developing new Group 19 Performance pieces for their 2nd gen engines. Several photos of the Grant Industries 67 then 68 Rebel are shown here, the cars were sponsored by California AMC Dealers Association. The last two photos in this sequence are from the AMC Dealers Mystery Trip to Los Angeles International Airport for big blowout party.
Not a Dealership car either but the 68 Generation Gap Javelin was a giveaway car. The 69 fiberfab Avenger GT-12 shown here, along with Generation Gap Javelin & (not shown) 70 Barracuda you would have your CHOICE as Grand Prize along with the huge 6+ foot Critt-Co Grand Prize trophy for 1969-70. The Generation Gap Javelin was the full blown Javelin that appeared in several ads and commercials in 68-69. Wearing original Michigan plates from 1969 it is flanked by a beautiful blonde model in bellbottoms. Goodyears on American Racing Mags stick out and if you look closely, there is a huge exhaust that pops out right before rear wheel. It has Hurst mirrors like SC/Rambler and Olds because it was PREPARED by Hurst. The 'Generation Gap Javelin' also had racing interior, and stunning candy tangerine paint, similar to the AMX 1 prototype. The side of it (also few have ever seen) has graphics of 'BUTCHERED?? It's a GREAT CAR dad! I only made it BETTER!' The engine was a souped up AMX 390V8 and the Supercharger was compliments of Hurst. The Javelin was street legal. The Javelin was given away to the ICAS champion of the Critt-Co tour winner in 1970 and never seen since. Never seen since. I know there is a commercial out there for this car, as remember it from late 1960s on television. But have never seen the commercial since!
I will also be adding many dealerships that existed in the 1960s/70s that people have sent me, your participation is appreciated!
Dealer stampings on NOS parts. Here are a few dealerships from the 1960s with names stamped on the item. Not all dealerships stamped their inventory. The below however is AM's address label to the Dealer.
W. G. Cronrath Rambler, P. O. Box 83, RT 222, Shillington, (Reading),
Fort Concho Motors, 430 W. Beauregard, San Angelo, TX, 76934
Andy Anders Rambler logo permanently etched on 66-69 Rambler machined
Cardenas Motor Company, Brownsville, TX
Harold Grob Motor Sales, Murphysboro, IL
Vance & Sons decal, my 82 Concord, Bellaire, TX
Rambler Rest Motel!
Rambler Restaurant!
Don-A-Vee Rambler, Bellflower, CA
Olson Rambler, Middletown, NY
C. A. Cox Rambler, Wollaston, MA
Blessing Motors, Fort Wayne, IN
Trenfel Rambler, Pacific Beach, California. A suburb of San Diego.
I bought these for $20 at a Houston Swap Meet in 2015. Heavy cast metal.
Randall Rambler, later Randall AMC a extremely performance minded dealership in Mesa, AZ
McClains AMC & Rambler, Paris, Texas
Dick Holland AMC, the cover shows a piece of paper over what was Hustler. The SC/360 was originally going to be Hustler Hornet.
Unknown AMC Dealership
Hi Eddie,
Great website.
Here is a picture of my uncle's old AMC dealership sign.
He had the dealership in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada (I noticed you have it listed in your website - please feel free to attach the picture of the dealership sign).
He was the first Jeep dealer in Manitoba. He got the Jeep dealership in 1964.
I believe he then got the AMC dealership in the early 70s'.
He held onto the AMC dealership right through the Chrysler takeover. He retired in the mid 90's.
It was a mom and pop operation with low sales volume, but great service.
I bought my 1985 CJ7 from him, and still have it to this date.
My dad also bought a 74 Matador coupe, and a 81 Spirit.
So we've seen our share of AMCs' in the family.
Lloyd Bures
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Eddie, this is the dealership where my parents bought the gremlin that
eventually became mine. It was a 1974. The dealership still exists under
the same name selling chryslers.
Zubek AMC
492 M55
TAWAS CITY, MI 48763-9284
You have a great site!
Dave Kaunisto