Planet Houston AMX Links

Updated 2021

Print & Mail Applications for:





Longtime President Jock Jocewicz of NAMDRA died February 2018. The club FOLDED and is gone.





Houston Metro & Southeast Texas

 If you are in Houston, Texas & surrounding area I highly recommend the following people & places for a variety of the **AMC** work you might need! 

phillip-montoya-amc-auto-repair.JPG (2821906 bytes)  phillip-montoya-amc-auto-repair-houston.JPG (647056 bytes)

Engine, brake work, suspension, misc. Phillip Montoya 1902 Upland 713-467-3675
*above photos, Phillip working on 70 AMX & he rebuilt the 401 fuel injected engine in that Jeep, he does a LOT of work on my AMC cars I simply do not have time to do anymore!

Transmission Work:  
Interior Upholstery: Hernandez Auto Detailing, 1656 N. Gessner, 713-464-8465
Paint & Body Work: George Ayala 832-259-0209 or 281-438-2044
Chrome Straightening & Re plating: DC Bumper 4949 Gulf Freeway 713-921-1113
Frame Work & Suspension: Excel Frame & Front End, 8613 Daffodil St, 713-781-3169
Engine & Transmission Rebuilds: Thunderbolt, 6847 Harrisburg, 713-923-8888 or 
Glass: Affordable Auto Glass: 5920 Hillcroft @ Hiway 59; 
Auto Titles & Notary: Nelda Glass, 1900 Blalock Ste. E, 713-932-1755
Exhaust Systems: Mieneke, 9939 Longpoint, 713-461-7002


Recommended Viewing


Mid Atlantic Classic AMC Club Newsletter

Terry Gale's Rambler Ranch

(this car sold for $10K in 2011 unfinished)

Alan Fleming's AMC Mecca



AMC Museum, Netherlands, Europe

The Pacer Farm

The Rebel Machine Scrapbook

Nashnut Car & Race Photos

Historic Trans Am Racing

Heidi Van Horne

Super Stock




Classic Car Sites




Collector Car Market




Buy, sell, trade, swap

Free AMC Swap Meet Ads
*AMC related only!*

EPage Classifieds
World's Largest, Original Free Internet Classifieds

Collector & Classic
Car Classifieds


Online Car Show: Send In YOUR AMC Photos

Texas Junkyard/Salvage Yard List

oldjunkcar.JPG (45971 bytes)

silver-sport-transmissions.JPG (132579 bytes)


Local, area, regional, car clubs
*highly recommended to join & get involved!!*
It is only by YOUR personal involvement  that the American Motors hobby, and
fine cars they produced will live on in US Automotive History.

SITES in green are my past 'website of the month picks!!

AMC of Fort Worth
club is still there, domain name no good

AMC of San Antonio

AMC of Dallas

AMC of Houston

AMC of Portland, OR
AMC of Alberta Canada
AMC of Minnesota
Australian Javelins
AMC of Chicago

AMC of Carolina
AMC of Connecticut
AM Cruisers of Michigan
AMC of Finland

AMC Club of Arizona
AMC Club of New England US

AMC of Indiana

AMC of Norway

International Jeep Assn.
Wisconsin Rambler Club

AMC of Georgia
AMC of Mexico
Rambler Club of Washington
Rambler Torinos of Argentina
Rambler Club/4 Seasons of New England
AMC of British Columbia, Canada
AMC of Southern California

AMC/mixed Car Club of Iceland
AMC & musclecars of northern Iceland

AMC of Memphis, TN

Great Lakes AMC, Michigan

AMC of Manitoba, Canada
Southern Nevada AMC Club

Various AMC related sites

Muscle cars Thoughout History

1982 Jeep CJ7 Jamboree "Jambo" Site
Eagle Premier Association
Mark Donohue Tribute

Finland AMC Freak
The T-Shirt Guy" AMC tshirts & stuff

The Hive:

Tom Dulaney's AMCs
AMC Engines Site
Hemming's: The 'Bible' of the Old Car Hobby
Cars & Parts Magazine: AMC Friendly Magazine!
Gwen's Rambler Site "Little Car"
AMC banners
AMC & Jeep machined parts
Rust removal products
Mexican/Latin American Jeep Site
Troy Anderson Javelin Race Team
The Eagle Web
Roger Schnyder Swiss AMC Fan

 Torq-O Orphan Devoted Car Site
Many different types of rims

Flowmaster Muffler Systems & Performance Accessories
Auto Parts Dealers
Hot Rod Art

  click above for a map of Mexico


Vehiculos Automotores Mexicanos
VAM Mexican Built AMCs.

There are hundreds of AMC built vehicles still around down there, many daily drivers, and many in well kept conditions. Like Kenosha was in the 70s/80s, you can drive around and see unusual AMC built vehicles, some of which were NOT available in the US and other markets except Mexico and Latin America.
The particular sites below is a tribute to those vehicles. Seldom seen in the US, many were equipped with the Mexican 282-6 cylinder engine, which is a bored out version of aMC wonderful 199-232-258 six banger. You seldom see *ANY* of these cars north of the border although we see some here in Texas. Gracias pa la Mauricio jordan marquez of Mexico for some of these wonderful photos of Lermas, Rallyes, Amxs, and other Amc built vehicles from his country!

Autos Clasicos Mexicanos

A Variety of VAM AMC vehicles!

1982 American

1982 American 4door

1981 Rally SST black

1983 Rally AMX light blue

1980-83 Rally AMX, black w/spoiler & mags

1980-83 Rally AMX white

1980-83 Rally AMX champagne w/spoiler