AMC & Jeep Engine Books

New & Old American Motors Engine rebuilding Books for pros & novices. Most cover basic performance and build up although several cover modifying engines for different stages of racing. *ALL* of them are worth having in one's collection, but several are extremely difficult to find, or out of print!

Randall AMC Performance Book by Mike Warren. 1967-1968. Randall AMC is legendary among AMC fans. This book jumped head first into AMC 'new generation' engines (290/343/390) and the rest is history. READ MORE.
Comments: Obsolete. Every now and then I release a copy of my original on ebay. And lucky mortals are those who end up with it.
Check my auctions.


Performance American Style by American Motors. 1972. Considered by most to be AMC's Speed Bible, this covers most bases including sixes, and modifying your AMC for all sorts of racing AMC was involved in at that time like Trans Am, SCCA, NASCAR, NHRA for instance. Reproduced in 1979 and since, you can pick up a copy under $20 on ebay or some of the larger literature hawkers.
Comments: recommended, easy to find.


AMC Power Book by Martyn Schorr. 1977. Very good book loaded with tech tips for performance building by CARS editor Martyn Schorr. 290-401 basic performance tips, how to articles for 343, super street 370, 390 enduro motor, blueprinting heads to name a few. I consider this "Part 2" of AMCs PAS above. Original Marque Series book is long since obsolete, but I sell copies for $15 postpaid. See LITERATURE.
Comments: recommended even if a copy. A original if ever found exceeds $100.


AMC Survival Book & AMC 6/V8 Performance Engine Book by Dick Datson. 2002. Both of these books were compiled and put together by Dick Datson, the longtime editor and founder of Total Performance Independents of which at one time included not only AMC but Studebakers. Both books are loaded with more information than is probably legally allowed by law, written not only by Dick but many individuals who had awesome tech articles they submitted to Dick for his magazines thru the decades. Thought not organized like some of the other books (a oil mod article might be up next to suspension article) both are sought after simply because they were "fluid" that is compiled from 1970s thru 1990s.
Comments: Dick Datson is still on my VENDORS list, see if he will hook you up. Tell him your loudmouthed AMC friend from Houston sent you. If he is no longer pressing these you are SOL.


BJ Builds A AMC by Brian & Michelle Johnson. 2003. Also known as "BJ Builds A Engine" book, is a great how to book for novices and pros alike, dealing with a AMC 360, Brian gives tips on stock and modifying and the book included color photos. Blocks, cranks, rods, pistons, rings, very well thought out book. At one time Brian was selling these on a website called 'hobby obsession' but lost the domain name. Then he was putting them on ebay and people were fighting over them rightly so.
Comments: Recommended but hard to find, you might try emailing Brian & Michelle to see if they are still selling them. *The first photo is a prototype of which only a handful were made, the 2nd photo is what the book ended up looking like for production. Located in Camano Island, WA you might see if he will print you a copy!


2012: AMC V8 Engines by Dan Curtis. Scheduled release Spring 2013.